
RFID electronic tags assist in archive management





1、工作频率 RFID读写器的工作频率是指其工作的频率范围,通常由读写器的工作频率决定,同时要与电子标签的工作频率保持一致,不同频率的读写器适用于不同的应用场景。

2、输出接口 RFID读写器的输出接口形式很多,有RS232、RS485、USB、WiFi、GSM等等多种接口,可以根据需要选择几种输出接口,这些接口可以方便地将读写器的数据传输到计算机、网络等其他设备。

3、输出功率 RFID读写器的输出功率是指其发射无线电波的强度,合适的输出功率可以确保读写器与电子标签之间的通信距离适当,同时不会对其他设备或人体造成过多的干扰。

4、工作方式 RFID读写器的工作方式包括全双工、半双工和时序3种,全双工方式可以同时进行读写操作,而半双工和时序方式则需要在特定的时间或条件下进行读写操作,选择适当的工作方式可以提升读写器的效率和应用的灵活性。

5、读写器类型 RFID读写器类型有固定式读写器、手持式读写器、工业读写器、OEM模块式读写器等等,选择时需要考虑天线与读写器模块分离与否,以及是否需要具备防护等级,不同类型的读写器适用于不同的应用场景。

6、读写器优先或电子标签优先 读写器优先是指读写器先向电子标签发射射频能量和命令,电子标签只有在被激活且接收到读写器的命令后,才对读写器的命令做出反应。电子标签优先是电子标签先向读写器发送信息,然后读写器再对电子标签的信息进行处理,选择谁优先取决于具体的应用需求和场景。





RFID electronic tag manufacturers share the functions and applications of RFID read and write heads for RFID handheld terminals 123

RFID electronic tag manufacturers share the functions and applications of RFID read and write heads for RFID handheld terminals 123 RFID reader/writer, also known as RFID reader/writer or RFID reader, has many classifications and can be divided into low frequency, high frequency, and ultra-high frequency according to frequency; According to the structural form, it can be divided into fixed and handheld types, among which fixed reading and writing heads can be further divided into channel type and desktop type; RFID read-write heads play an important role in many fields and

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Analysis of RFID Electronic Label Manufacturers RFID Industrial Readers

Analysis of RFID Electronic Label Manufacturers RFID Industrial Readers 123 FID (Radio Frequency Identification) industrial reader is a device used to read RFID tag information. It communicates with RFID tags by sending radio frequency signals, thereby achieving the reading of data stored in the tags. RFID industrial readers typically consist of RF antennas, RF modules, control circuits, and interface circuits. Its working principle is: when the RFID tag enters the sensing range of the reader, the reader sends an RF signal to the tag, activates the tag and reads the

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RFID reader and writer RFID handset application scenarios 123

RFID reader and writer RFID handset application scenarios 123 Definition of RFID handheld device RFID handheld device can also be called RFID handheld device, RFID handheld terminal, RFID handheld reader and writer. It has the characteristics of high efficiency, speed, accuracy and flexibility. It is a mobile portable handheld device with RFID antenna and reader, which can exchange information with items with RFID tags through RF signals, and can realize real-time reading, writing and management of RFID tags. The principle of RFID handset RFID handset mainly includes RFID module, antenna,

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Types and application scenarios of RFID ultra-high frequency readers and writers for RFID electronic tag manufacturers 123

Types and application scenarios of RFID ultra-high frequency readers and writers for RFID electronic tag manufacturers 123 With the continuous development of Internet of Things technology, the application of ultra-high frequency readers and writers is becoming increasingly widespread. Its application will bring more intelligent and efficient ways of life and production. What is an RFID ultra-high frequency reader? An RFID ultra-high frequency reader is a device that can read and write ultra-high frequency tag information. It can communicate with RFID tags to achieve real-time reading and writing of tag information.

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