Electronic tags | RFID technology applied to camel implanted RFID electronic tags

RIFD electronic ear tag

Electronic tags | RFID technology applied to camel implanted RFID electronic tags

RFID electronic tags
RFID electronic tags

Recently, there has been severe smog in the Beijing area, which has brought a lot of inconvenience to people’s travel. In order to scientifically and effectively reduce haze, the motor vehicle cloud detection management platform of the Shandong Provincial Environmental Protection Department will monitor exhaust emissions. By utilizing intelligent detection equipment and cloud computing technology, it is possible to accurately collect vehicle emission data, achieving convenient, fast, fair, and transparent environmental inspections. This will provide car owners with a more convenient way to monitor pollution levels.

Electronic tags | RFID technology applied to camel implanted RFID electronic tags

In addition, the Xinjiang Academy of Animal Husbandry Sciences has implanted RFID electronic tags for camels for the first time, and synchronously recorded information such as camel body length, height, hair length, and milk production, establishing electronic records. This provides important basis for future intelligent grazing, animal traceability, and product quality and safety traceability, and also plays an important role in protecting the germplasm resources of Bactrian camels.

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