A Security Management System for RFID Application Examination Papers

RFID electronic tags assist in archive management

A Security Management System for RFID Application Examination Papers

RFID electronic tags assist in archive management
RFID electronic tags assist in archive management

In today’s era of informatization, networking, and intelligence, the holding of important exams such as the college entrance examination has attracted much attention. The management of test papers has always been a thorny issue, involving a series of complex processes such as paper formation, printing, packaging, transportation, distribution, recycling, warehousing, grading, and historical preservation. How to use modern technological tools and management methods to achieve safe and efficient test paper management has become an urgent problem that needs to be solved.

The traditional manual management of test papers has many drawbacks.

1. The efficiency of information collection is low. Due to the scattered examination points and the large number of test papers, the circulation of test papers requires multiple counting and verification, which consumes a lot of manpower.

Manual management is prone to errors such as missed counting, bagging, and incorrect bagging, which poses a risk of leakage of test paper content and is not conducive to control. Finally, the verification and review of test papers take a long time, requiring a lot of time to filter the papers, resulting in low efficiency.

To address these issues, it is particularly important to establish a secure and efficient paper tracking and management mechanism using RFID technology. By attaching RFID electronic tags to the test bag and test paper, giving the test paper a unique global identity, establishing a corresponding relationship between the test paper and the staff, and combining RFID software and hardware to manage the entire lifecycle status of the test paper, including the existence status, circulation, contact person, time, etc., to ensure the confidentiality and security of the test paper.

The advantage of RFID technology lies in achieving non-contact operations,
RFID Application
RFID Application

No manual intervention is required to ensure that there are no missed questions and the test paper bag is not opened. At the same time, it can quickly collect in large quantities, with high recognition accuracy. The process of test paper delivery, distribution, and collection is simple, improving efficiency. In addition, RFID technology has also achieved full process traceability of test paper printing, storage, transportation, examination, and recycling, bringing new possibilities for test paper management.

In the RFID test paper management process, various links such as information binding, printing factory, confidentiality room, examination room, and command room are effectively managed and monitored. Through the use of RFID handheld readers and writers, the counting, verification, and distribution of test papers have become convenient and fast, with easy operation and error avoidance, helping invigilators to share the tedious work.

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RFID access control system
RFID access control system

RFID application provides a new solution for the security management of exam papers, ensuring the security, confidentiality, and full process controllability of exam information, and creating a safe and fair examination environment for candidates. By fully utilizing the advantages of RFID technology, exam management will usher in a more intelligent and efficient development, bringing more convenience and security to the field of education exams.

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